10 tips on branding

  • Focus on what your business achieves for its customers. Your brand is no good to you if it isn’t delivering what customers want.


  • Take ownership of your brand. Pay attention to customers’ needs, but you should still control what you want your brand to mean to them.


  • Be honest. If you don’t believe in your brand, no one else will.


  • Keep your brand simple. Focus on a small number of key brand values.


  • Be consistent. Every aspect of your business should make customers feel the same way about you.


  • Be thorough. Look at all your systems to make sure they help to support your brand.


  • Involve employees. Make sure they understand your brand and believe in it.


  • Communicate your brand. Make sure every advertisement, brochure and letter helps reinforce the same message. If you have a logo, use it everywhere.


  • Meet and exceed what your brand promises. Failing just once will damage your brand.


  • Manage your brand. Continually look for opportunities to make improvements. And don’t be afraid to make changes to reflect shifts in the way you do business or new trends in your market.

Source: www.businesslink.gov.uk