2012 Pacesetter midsize: Fred Potthoff, co-owner, Kroff Inc.

Fred Potthoff, co-owner, Kroff Inc.

Fred Potthoff and Keith Kronk formed Kroff Inc. 24 years ago and have since grown the business into eight separate companies and established an impressive international presence. Kroff has averaged greater than 24 percent growth per year since 1990 and now has a state-of-the-art research lab with four patents, five applications filed for patent and one pending. Most of the company’s patents involve environmental products to clean up contaminated streams that receive acid mine drainage from coalmines.
Kroff was an innovator in developing sustainable methods around the fracking process, finding new ways to recycle and reuse water and create patented “green” products for their fracking line used in the Marcellus Shale gas drilling and fields. The research lab works with many gas companies and processed thousands of samples from the Marcellus to design unique treatment options for the frac water. In Baltimore, Md., the Kroff team opened Kroff Materials Reprocessing, a waste oil recycling plant that takes used oil and antifreeze and recycles the materials to be used as fuels, lubes or coolants.
Kroff operates with an open environment that encourages entrepreneurial innovations, and employees are always encouraged to come forward with ideas so Potthoff can help put them into action.
Proving his commitment to both community and sustainability, Potthoff has served in numerous positions that reflect his passion for the environment. For more than a decade, he was involved in the International Water Conference, held in Pittsburgh as the premier conference in the world for innovative solutions in the water treatment industry. After 10 years on the board, Potthoff was chosen as the first two-time chairman of the conference. He also served on the board of directors for the Association of Water Technology for three years. He was also a finalist for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award, a testament to his ability to lead, innovate and collaborate.
How to Reach: Kroff Inc., (412) 321-9800 or www.kroff.com