5 confidence tools for your success in business

DeLores Pressley, Motivational Speaker and Personal Power Expert
DeLores Pressley, Motivational Speaker and Personal Power Expert

In order to succeed in business you need to have inner confidence – that state of feeling certain about and trusting in yourself. You can have confidence in your goals, your team, your system and your family, but if you lack self-confidence, you are missing the main ingredient for success.
Lack of confidence makes it harder to:

  • Make sound decisions
  • Lead others
  • Perform tasks and duties correctly
  • Get a raise or promotion

Today I will provide you with 5 confidence tools that you should use on a daily basis in your business and professional life.
Let’s get started!
Confidence Tool #1 – Focus
As I mentioned last month in 5 Tips for Improving Your Focus as a Busy Professional – over the years in my coaching and speaking, I have found focus to be of the utmost importance for success in the workplace. Too many professionals try to “fly by the seat of their pants” and lack any ability to direct their attention.
To use the tool of focus effectively, you must first determine the things that need your concentration and focus. Take the time to assess and evaluate them. What should come first, second and so on.
Once you have things evaluated and set out, laser-target your focus and do not allow yourself to be swayed away from the task at hand.
Knowing what needs your attention and intently focusing on those needs helps free the mind of distractions that lead to second-guessing and lack of confidence. This builds motivation that in turn leads to building a positive energy that helps you remain calm and focused during times of stress.
Focus prepares the mind for action.
Confidence Tool #2 – Mentorship
Anthony Robbins and others have talked a lot in recent years about modeling the success of successful people. The idea is to find someone who is successful in your area of work or expertise and do what they do – modeling their successful behaviors.
While I agree that this is helpful, I have always felt that simple modeling comes up short. When I model, I am left to my own devices. I am forced to determine just what it is that has made the person successful. In essence, I have to guess.
Mentorship overcomes this shortfall. Mentoring involves working directly with someone who can help you find your strengths and weaknesses in business. Mentoring takes the guesswork out of the process.
Find someone in your area who is a leader – someone who has achieved a level of success and ask him or her to mentor you. Work with their schedule to find times where you can meet and discuss your needs and desires related to your business.
I have found that many leaders enjoy the ability to mentor others.
Can you see how this tool can help with your inner confidence? It is powerful!
Confidence Tool # 3 – Attitude
You can become the smartest, well-trained and mentored individual with the absolute worst attitude and that attitude will lead to your demise.
Zig Ziglar said it this way:
“Attitude, not aptitude, determines altitude.”
How high you fly in the world of business is determined not by how much you know, but by the power of your positive attitude.
Ziglar was a trainer and teacher for dozens of years; he was not speaking against you learning new things and being mentored by the best. It’s a matter of perspective.
Truly confident people – not those who think confidence is made up of simple arrogance, are those who have a great attitude toward business, work and life. These are the ones that co-workers want to follow.
Attitude moves your action forward.
Confidence Tool #4 – Exercise
In her article: Get Ahead at Work: 5 Ways to Increase Your Confidence In Business, Kelly Lynn Adams talks about the role exercise plays in developing confidence in business.
She states:
“Exercise has been shown to improve both mental health (by releasing mood-improving endorphins) and physical wellbeing (by reducing the likelihood of illnesses) while also improving the way you feel about yourself. So, whether you prefer to dance, go to the gym, run outside, bike, take a yoga class or box, get moving. It may just pay off, literally!”
I could not have said it better!
Exercise provides strength for action.
Confidence Tool # 5 – Action
I have been hinting all along in this article that there is one very important tool that must be used in order develop the confidence needed to achieve true success in business.
That tool is action.
We must get up, get moving and get out there on a daily basis. Actual hands-on doing is a powerful provider of self-confidence. Action defines the muscle of confidence. Consistent, daily action makes that muscle strong.
When focus, mentorship, attitude, and exercise bolster action, inner confidence no longer becomes a struggle we face.
Use these tools and develop the confidence you need to achieve your wildest dreams in business.
DeLores Pressley, motivational speaker and personal power expert, is one of the most respected and sought-after experts on success, motivation, confidence and personal power. She is an international keynote speaker, author, life coach and the founder of the Born Successful Institute and DeLores Pressley Worldwide. She is the author of “Oh Yes You Can,” “Clean Out the Closet of Your Life” and “Believe in the Power of You.” Contact her via email at [email protected] or visit her website at www.delorespressley.com.