Beyond the basics

Many CPA firms offer their clients the basic services of financial planning, but Howard, Wershbale & Co. works with its clients to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. The company understands that people appreciate special treatment, and it makes certain that clients feel they are the most important person, no matter what.

This starts with the firm choosing to hire people who are interested in a career, not simply a job. With the right people, President and CEO Stephen E. Stanisa and his team have put rules of practice in place to ensure that they always provide their customers with world-class service. These rules focus on client services and teamwork. Current and potential clients can expect a commitment to quality, integrity and professionalism. They can also expect the service to reflect an appropriate understanding of the client’s business and personal needs, as well as an embracing attitude to changing technology, the client’s growth and profitability goals.

HWCO initiates regular client surveys to keep track of client expectations. To stay on the leading edge of technology in order to provide world-class service, HWCO provides employees with ongoing training. It also uses benchmarks and comparables to keep the company and employees aware of the industry best practices, which play an important role in providing extraordinary service.

In order to provide first-class customer service to its clients, the company’s employees have to be knowledgeable and motivated. An example of this is HWCO’s pink slip program, where each busy season, the principals and senior managers nominate employees on a weekly basis for going the extra mile for customers. Each Friday, two names are drawn and the winners receive gift certificates for restaurants, movies or other fun things. The dollar amounts for the prizes vary each month, but regardless, it keeps employees motivated to provide strong service.

How to reach: Howard, Wershbale & Co., (216) 831-1200 or