Community networking

You go to your child’s soccer game,
and as you are standing on the sidelines, you strike up a conversation with another parent. During the course
of the discussion, you discover that this
person is unhappy with the service he or
she receives from his or her bank. As a
banker in the community, you know this
person could benefit from your expertise. A result of smart networking or simply a neighbor helping a neighbor? Why
not both?

“I enjoy meeting other people in my
community that I volunteer with,” says
Michelle Parnell, principal relationship
manager and vice president, Wells Fargo
Bank, N.A. “In these relaxed environments, such as soccer games and swim
meets, there is always an exchange of
personal information with those you feel
comfortable with. Typically, once my
new acquaintances learn I am in the
banking industry, they perceive me as a
trusted adviser, friend and confidant.
They do not feel pressured and begin
sharing freely with me, since they have a
personal connection.”

Parnell concurs that community events
can fulfill both personal and business

Smart Business spoke with Parnell
about the importance of getting out in
the neighborhood to get a pulse for the
business community.

How important is it to live in the same community where you work?

Extremely important. Originally, I did
not work in the same community in
which I lived. My remote location hindered the level of service I was aiming to
accomplish for both my client and
employer. I enjoy seeing those I serve on
a regular basis. When you work with individuals in a volunteer capacity, you
become a resource person for those people. This allows you to maintain a consistent business image.

When I finally had the opportunity to
live and work in the same community, I
capitalized on it, which opened many
doors for me. I immediately participated
in the chamber of commerce as well as
my child’s activities. This enables me to
meet other business people. In these
neighborly conversations, I discover
what they are interested in, their life
goals and career objectives. In these
zero-pressure atmospheres, a rapport is
established and my new acquaintances
open up to share concerns they have
regarding their banking or financial
needs. A combination of this community
involvement and sincere human interest
contributes to my success.

For example, while attending my child’s
swim meet, I ran into an old acquaintance and learned that he owned a business. He had some concerns about his
current banking situation, and he started
talking with me on a hypothetical basis.
It gave him a comfort level that I was not
just trying to win over his business but,
instead, that I sincerely cared about him
and his problem. We had a great conversation and later he moved his business to
us, simply because he trusted me. I had
given him some ideas and encouraged
him to ask his bank certain questions. If
they had answered those questions in a
way that satisfied him, he would probably still be with that bank. As a result of
his satisfaction, he has referred multiple
corporate clients to me. Transactions
like this occur frequently. The ability to
live and work in one community is an
invaluable resource. At face value, I
would not consider a swim meet a corporate networking event, but you do
meet executives in need there.

Do you approach these situations as being a
possible networking opportunity?

No. I never lead with the expectation
that these community events will yield a
networking opportunity. I have a genuine
interest in people. When you approach
an encounter as if you are trying to
obtain someone’s business, the lack of
sincerity will become transparent.

So what makes someone a good networker?

Aside from having the skills and industry knowledge, being outgoing, articulate
and well-spoken are crucial attributes.
Proving you are an exceptional listener
and someone who enjoys building personal relationships with others are also
key to effective networking. Regardless
of whether or not they are a close friend,
acquaintance or client, I always try to
help others even when there is no direct

Planning for an impending hurricane, a
retail client and I developed a plan of
action that both my company could
deliver on and his company could execute under the compromised circumstances. In the storm’s aftermath, I was in
daily contact with him assisting with
unexpected issues. My client was thrilled
not to lose incremental business and
even more so with the service we provided. I am confident that he is out there
promoting the level of commitment we
provided and spreading positive word-of-mouth networking, as well.

MICHELLE PARNELL is a principal relationship manager and vice president with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Reach her at (281) 913-2764
or [email protected].