Delegating with authority

Be honest. Everything you do,
you stand behind it. It’s the little things that make a difference. If you compromise little
things, people will see that
and they’ll say, ‘Yeah, you say
honesty and you say integrity,
but he went over there and
just lied to the customer or he
did this or he lied to me.’

It’s the little things day in and
day out that demonstrate that you have that honesty and
integrity, and people see
through it very quickly if you
have a smoke screen on it. The
way you know you have it is
they come to you with some
things that are sometimes considered personal, and they share
with you and [are] willing to
entrust you in their inner circle.

That means they have some
confidence that you have that
integrity and honesty, and
you won’t backlash on them
with it. But yet, you’ve got to
be very open and candid, too.
Sometimes, good leadership
isn’t always you’re a good
person. Sometimes, good
leadership is just telling people you aren’t the right person for the job.

HOW TO REACH: SDE Business Partnering LLC, (313) 656-2200 or