Diversity best practices

Corporations worldwide are demanding
the advancement of diversity within
their own firms and the companies with which they do business, especially with
the law firms they depend on for outside
counsel. Their philosophy is simple: promoting diversity internally and externally creates
significant new opportunities for minorities
and women, plus it is good for the bottom
lines of the companies and law firms alike.

However, that approach also creates a
dilemma for the law firms: how do they
quickly focus on attracting, hiring and then
retaining minorities and particularly women,
who are leaving law firms at an unprecedented rate? That is a major problem for law
firms, and the solutions are not readily

Smart Business spoke to Patricia Diulus-Myers of Jackson Lewis LLP to learn more
about what law firms are doing to attract and
retain minority and female attorneys, and
how accomplishing that task benefits the
firms, the attorneys and corporate America.

From a diversity perspective, what does corporate America expect from law firms?

Corporations demand a similar level of
work force diversity from law firms that they
employ internally. Exemplifying this requirement is the call to action initiated by the general counsel of Sara Lee, which has evolved
over the past couple years from initial
inquiries into outside firms’ diversity initiatives by general counsel at large corporations. The inquiries have grown to a mandate
by general counsel that their outside firms
assist them in reaching their diversity goals.

Now, corporate America wants to see
results demonstrating that outside law firms
hire, retain and promote minority attorneys
and women throughout their ranks.
Additionally, many companies require that
female and minority attorneys actually be a
part of the team that does their legal work.

What assurances are there that female and
minority attorneys will stay at a firm?

Obviously, diversity is now a business
necessity for law firms. The focus is on
recruiting qualified minority and female candidates and demonstrating acceptable numbers among their attorney ranks. However,
these numbers tell only half the story
because law firms must institute initiatives
directed toward retaining those very qualified individuals. Emphasis must be placed
on inclusiveness such that minority and
female lawyers become and remain valuable
assets and are accepted within the firm.

How quickly can law firms build successful
diversity programs?

The process will not happen overnight. It
requires building a pipeline of potential
lawyer candidates and making an investment in the future of their ongoing diverse
culture. That can be done through efforts
like partnering with recruiters who specialize in minority recruiting for lateral hires and
working with minority law student associations for hiring at the clerkship and first-year

What recruiting and retention tactics are
proven to be effective in increasing the inclusion of women and minorities?

Retention efforts start with a diversity
committee that comprises all segments of
the firm — associates and partners alike —
with the charge and authority to recommend, implement and oversee diversity initiatives. Within the committee, affinity
groups should be established, like Hispanic,
African-American, Asian-Pacific-American,
gay and lesbian, and women’s business
development affinity groups. These groups
are wonderful avenues for diverse attorneys
to work through common issues, be mentored on professional goals, and contribute
to an accepting and inclusive environment.

Mentoring is a major retention tool.
Mentoring programs vary with each firm but
generally aim at nurturing lawyers from the
time of hire, educating them to the firm and
the legal practice, developing successful
techniques with business acquisition and
marketing and preparing them for partnership.

Some firms are appointing chief diversity
officers or coordinators who are responsible
for promoting, achieving and maintaining
diverse workplaces.

Work-lifestyle balance initiatives designed
to promote family-friendly environments are
also essential for retaining good lawyers,
particularly females. Years ago, women
accepted that they had to sacrifice their family and social lives to be successful in the
major law firm. Flex work schedules, tele-commuting and part-time career paths are
becoming the typical demands of younger
lawyers who want something more than
work in their lives. Hopefully, such efforts
will foster diversity at law firms and assist in
retention of females and minorities, and benefit their clients as well.

How will such programs benefit clients?

Most major public companies maintain a
strong policy today of promoting diversity.
They are strongly focused on developing a
diverse and inclusive environment that
reflects the communities that they serve. In
documenting their diversity efforts, they are
looking to their outside counsel to assist
them in accomplishing this goal.
Corporations want their vendors to be a
reflection of their own commitment to inclusiveness. Simply put, diversity is morally
right, and it is just good for business.

PATRICIA DIULUS-MYERS is a partner and co-chair of the
Diversity Committee at Jackson Lewis LLP. Reach her at (412)
232-0404 or [email protected].