Giving their best

Rita Singh was the first Asian-Indian woman to serve on the board of the Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE). She also serves on the boards of the Beachwood Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio India Chamber of Commerce, volunteers for the American Red Cross and prepares a New Year’s Day meal at the Shiva Vishnu Temple of Greater Cleveland for more than 1,000 people — every year, by herself.

She is also the founder and managing partner/CPA of S&A Consulting Group LLP, and her husband, Nipendra “Nip,” is the firm’s founder, chairman and CEO. In addition to their business, the Singhs are dedicated to creating and participating in projects that advance and generate economic development in the Greater Cleveland area.

Rita gives educational seminars and presentations to women’s groups, and encourages women to lead a respectful, honorable life to achieve balance between family, business, volunteer and social goals.

“Being a mentor, to me, is not only sharing my knowledge but also learning from those who I mentor. When I work with my employees or other women business owners, I not only tell them of my past experiences but also like to learn from their success and failures,” she says. “Mentor is the ‘guru’ who not only shows the path but also, in reality, walks with you.”

When S&A Consulting won the COSE Business Plan Challenge competition, the Singhs donated a portion of their winnings to the Women Business Owners Foundation of National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) so women business owners with financial hardship could get free membership in the association.

Rita helped teach business skills to women from Russia, mentors college women and hosts a free luncheon series at which she discusses business strategies. Nip volunteers with the Investment Casting Institute and serves as past president of Lake Geauga Center and as a past trustee and volunteer of the India Community Association.

S&A supports 16 professional trade association memberships and organizations, 12 professional women’s organizations and 11 chamber of commerce memberships.

“In order to be successful in a meaningful way, one must participate, share and give back to the community on an ongoing basis, as an individual and collectively as a company,” Rita says. “We have encouraged this at all levels of our company with employees and associates. … What you give comes back to us. Give the best, and the best will happen to you.”

HOW TO REACH: S&A Consulting Group LLP, (216) 593-0050,