Infinity and beyond

Dennis Abboud formed Infinity Resources to take a chance on an e-commerce fulfillment company called Critic’s Choice, a movie catalog business. At the time, the tech bubble was bursting and taking on an Internet venture was a risky move.

Abboud has grown Infinity Resources through several acquisitions and innovative ideas.

The company’s core competencies are encompassed in its catalog business, including Critic’s Choice, Collector’s Choice Music, Heartland Music, Serenade Music and Hep Cat Records. The company also has several online businesses, including, and has distribution and logistical services. Infinity Resources’ I-serve direct commerce services division performs the operational functions of catalog development, Web site optimization, customer service and distribution of the company’s catalog and online businesses as well as managing its clients’ outsourced fulfillment needs.

The catalog business serves a market of consumers wanting classic, specialty or hard-to-find movies and music. Infinity Resources pioneered catalog “micro-marketing” by segmenting its customer lists based on demographic and purchasing patterns to more effectively market products to a particular customer.

Through Abboud’s leadership, the company combines the entrepreneurial spirit of its roots with a disciplined operating culture that is flexible, very responsive and open to change. Six Sigma is used to continuously monitor performance based on key operational metrics.

Employees are supported and rewarded with generous benefits, an incentive compensation plan and a stock appreciation rights plan for key members of management.

How to reach: Infinity Resources Inc., (630) 775-3320 or