Keys to success

Q. How do you add value to
an organization?

You have to add value to
your client and customers, because if they don’t see
value being added, you’re
not going to get far. We also
have to take that view with
our employees and one

Am I adding value to my
management team? Am I
adding value to my employees? Is my being here making them better, creating
more opportunities for the
company, etc.?

Each employee has to look
at it that way relative to their
teammates they’re working with and to the company. Am
I adding value to the company? If the answer is no, if
you’re just telling them stuff,
then we’re not going to get anywhere. You then, at that
point, commoditize whatever
product or service you’re selling.

If the client sees value to
what you’re doing, you’re providing them with solutions
and solving problems, whatever it might be, that’s a good
arrangement. If they just see
you as a source to buy widgets and they’re looking for the
cheapest price for the widget,
you’re not adding value in
that process.

Ultimately, that’s what comes
back from the client. When
your client tells you, ‘Good
job, you’ve added value. How
do I help get more business? If
you ever need a referral, you
just call me because I will talk
to whoever it is you’re selling
to; you guys are good.’ That is
the ultimate reward; that
means we’re doing what we
set out to do. That’s a little
vicious circle in and of itself,
because the more work you
do, the more you get referred,
and the more you get referred,
the more work you get, and
you grow your company that

Q. What are the benefits of
living by these three rules?

The company grows its revenue and maintains its margins and pricings, which
makes you profitable. That’s
the scorecard at the end of
the day of running a company.
If we’re profitable and growing our company, that means
we can hire more people, provide a good work environment and be a member of our
community in a positive way.

They all link to one another.

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