Perfect night out

If you’ve ever eaten at The Melting Pot and
were surprised when your server knew
key details about you and the reason you were dining there, it’s not mind-reading wizardry. Rather, it’s all part of owner/operator
Seth Bromberg’s carefully detailed plan to
ensure every customer at his Legacy Village
location has the perfect night out and best
possible experience at his restaurant.

Bromberg says that by reading the guest on the phone, his staff is able to ascertain important,
such as:

  • If the guest is celebrating a birthday, the
    celebrant’s name and

  • If it’s an anniversary, the couple’s
    names and how many years they’re celebrating.

  • For a promotion, the celebrant’s new
    job or title.

Then, using specialized reservation system technology combined with detailed
training, Bromberg’s staff creates an
atmosphere that personalizes the guests’
dining experience down to the last detail.

To ensure it goes smoothly, every table
gets at least one manager’s a night twice during a meal. If the staff doesn’t deliver as
promised, Bromberg’s team makes up for it
by providing complimentary desserts,
drinks and dinners, as well as gift certificates, to make sure the experience ends
well. The Melting Pot’s hospitality specialist
also calls every guest the next day to ask
about the previous night’s experience.

At the heart of The Melting Pot’s customer-service-oriented culture is the restaurant’s
“Perfect Night Out Guest Experience” guide
book, a 100-plus page manual that every
employee trains with.

The manual details everything from
reservations and seating to table greeting,
meal presentation, payment/check presentation and the evening’s final exchange.
Nothing, Bromberg says, is left to chance.

HOW TO REACH: The Melting Pot, (216) 381-2700 or