Practice what you preach

Elli Workum knows a few things about
working hard for your cause. A decorated
athlete in both field hockey and track and
field in college, Workum is in the athletic
hall of fame at Miami University.

The tenacity, hard work and diligence
that helped her in sports now helps fuel
Technology Recycling Group. Workum is
one who truly practices what she
preaches, as her company, which specializes in the reuse and recycling of
technological equipment, runs an operation that is 99 percent recyclable. In a
time when more and more companies
are looking for efficient solutions to
recycle and reuse, TRG is able to not
only offer up solutions but also to show
clients how to walk the walk.

Moreover, Workum helps lead the
charge for recycling in the community,
donating working computers and monitors to underprivileged schools and
TRG also offers a complete computer
system to any student in the area for
only $100. Beyond that, Workum
recently realized that the company
often received older but functional
computers that were meant for use in
hospitals. Rather than selling these
computers, they’ve been sent to test
markets in India to see if they would be
able to be used in third-world hospitals.
If they are, TRG plans to send them
along so those hospitals can use them
to better provide for patients.

Leading that push for more recycling
everywhere gives Workum the ability to
truly talk the talk, as few people do as
much as she does for the cause.

HOW TO REACH: Technology Recycling Group, (513) 761-5333