Preventive maintenance

New trends in employee benefit and prevention plans have led many business
owners to implement on-site health screenings. These screenings can range from
finger-prick blood tests for cholesterol to sigmoidoscopy for colorectal cancer. Other
screenings include tests for diabetes and
even stress tests to check for heart disease.

“On-site health risk assessments and
screenings are far more than just employee
relations gestures,” says Sally Stephens, president of Spectrum Health Systems.

Smart Business spoke with Stephens
about the benefits of on-site screenings.

What are the benefits of on-site screenings?

On-site screenings benefit both the employer and employee. It is well documented that
early detection can help employees detect
health risks of which they might not have
been previously aware and avoid health-related complications, therefore saving
health care dollars for potential long-term
care. In most cases, the employer underwrites the cost of the screening so there is no
cost to the employee. In addition, by offering
these services on-site, the employer is removing at least two of the barriers for employees
participating — cost and time. Business owners also find that they do not have to spend a
lot of money to offer on-site screenings. In
fact, costs vary greatly depending upon the
complexity of the test and how much the
company decides to underwrite. Often early
detection is far cheaper than treatment.

Are employees usually willing to participate
in on-site screenings?

If the screening process is well communicated and managed, on-site screenings can
be very effective. Offering incentives to
encourage employees to participate can
increase participation rates into the high 80th
to 90th percentiles.

Today, many employers are tying participation to their health plans by awarding premium discounts to those who complete the
process. If the data is properly utilized, then
the employer can base future programming
on the results. This information can potentially reduce health care costs for a company
in the future by reducing unnecessary coverage and increasing coverage in areas that
may be lacking.

Why are on-site screenings valuable?

Research shows that screenings improve
the health of workers and even improve
worker morale. The idea is to detect high-risk
employees and help them seek appropriate
professional or educational attention. Identifying a health problem early leads to fewer
complications, a faster recovery period and
fewer health care costs both for the employee and the employer. For example, diagnosing diabetes in the early stages can help prevent complications, such as heart disease,
nerve damage, vision problems and kidney
disease. In addition, health risk questionnaires can prompt an individual to focus on
other health-related issues that need attention, such as getting enough sleep and always
using seat belts. Healthier employees lead to
increased overall productivity and reduced
health care costs.

Are employers permitted to require employees to have on-site screenings?

All employers must comply with the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements. HIPAA
ensures that personal health information
(PHI) shared in a health assessment cannot
be used against the individual for insurance
coverage or employment consideration. The
ADA requires that employers offer a reasonable accommodation to an employee with a
known disability, and it prohibits employers
from making medical inquiries or requiring
medical examinations (unless job-related
and consistent with business necessity). It is
also unlawful under the ADA to take any
adverse employment action based on an individual’s actual or perceived disability.

Offering employees the opportunity to voluntarily participate in health screening programs for high blood pressure and cholesterol monitoring are not likely to violate the
ADA, as long as there is no penalty (economic or otherwise) for not participating.

Are there certain procedures of which
employers should be aware during and after
the screening process?

The most important factor is maintaining
complete privacy of the participants and
their personal health information. The facility in which the screening takes place should
be designed to protect an employee’s privacy.
The turnaround time for test results varies
depending upon the tests provided. Today,
there are simple finger-prick tests that can
provide immediate results for cholesterol,
glucose and other tests. Alternatively, tests
that require blood work can take a couple of
days for results. Well-designed programs provide the participant with detailed explanation
of results and educational materials to assist
them in making appropriate health changes.

Whom should employers contact if they want
to implement on-site screenings?

There are numerous resources available to
assist employers with implementing on-site
health screenings. In addition to local hospitals and national screening vendors, there are
also independent wellness companies that
offer these separately or as part of a comprehensive wellness program.

SALLY STEPHENS is the president of Spectrum Health Systems. Reach her at [email protected].