Purple promises

When an automotive supplier in
Canada was desperately behind on
its production schedule, it contacted FedEx Custom Critical for help.

The Akron-based subsidiary of global giant
FedEx committed as many vehicles as it
could to make round-trip runs from Canada
to two production facilities in the U.S.
FedEx Custom Critical CEO Jack Pickard
also sent team members
to Canada to manage the
FedEx loads and manage
shipments being handled
by additional carriers.

The customer, says
Pickard, was thrilled to get
back on schedule.

As an organization whose mission is to
provide freight shipping solutions throughout the U.S. and internationally, that example is all in a day’s work. The very nature of
FedEx Custom Critical’s business emphasizes service over price. And the company’s
“Purple Promise” says, “I will make every
FedEx experience outstanding,” setting the
tone for a high level of customer service.

Each month, the company conducts 150
customer satisfaction surveys through an
independent third party. Scores from these
surveys determine bonus pay, and comments are made available to all team members so that they can see exactly what customers say about the company’s services.

Among the systems Pickard has in place
to ensure the company delivers on its promises is a rigorous screening process for new
hires, combined with a detailed training program. And a 15-month leadership development program helps aspiring leaders to gain
knowledge through experience.

Part of FedEx Custom Critical’s Purple
Promise is Pickard’s dedication to empowering every member of his team to “do the
right thing for the customer every time.”

And, when extra efforts provide an outstanding experience, the company shares
the story with all employees so that customer service remains a key component of
its lifeblood.

HOW TO REACH: FedEx Custom Critical, (800) 762-3787 or www.customcritical.fedex.com