Reaching a vision

Ashu Roy co-founded eGain
Communications Corp. in 1998, and
he had a vision for his infant business.

He and his co-founder envisioned a world
where customers would demand instant
service through any device. To get to that
vision, the journey was met with challenges.

Roy recognized the company needed to
strengthen its platform with core technologies, so in its first year, it acquired
Sitebridge, a leader in Web collaboration
software. Then in 2000, Roy led the acquisition of Big Science, a leader in virtual agent
technology. Then he completed the company’s acquisitions by buying Inference, the
pioneer in knowledge management software for contact centers. Now strengthened, Roy set out to rebuild eGain’s platform and incorporate all these technologies
into one common platform.

The dot-com bust also hit eGain, and while
the company probably should have died
during this time like many of its competitors
did, he took the necessary means to keep it
afloat. First, he chose not to take a salary
during this time because he could afford not
to and thought the money should go to the
company first, and if that survived, then he
would be rewarded later. Always the example for his employees, several other executives on the management team followed his
lead without even being asked because they
believed that much in Roy and the business.

Today, this chairman and CEO’s business
is not only healthy but growing. eGain is
also seen as a trusted choice of global enterprise for customer interaction hub solutions, and Roy and his team couldn’t be

HOW TO REACH: eGain Communications Corp., (650) 230-7500 or