Reducing and reusing

Ever wonder what happens to the heat
generated when electricity is made?

It’s wasted — just released into the atmosphere. Every day, heat is generated by burning coal, natural gas or oil to power everything from cars to giant power plants. And
every day, 60 percent of the heat generated
during those processes escapes and is simply

That loss is exactly what reXorce
Thermionics Inc.
hopes to capitalize on. As
companies across the globe look to become
more energy efficient, reXorce is rolling out
technology to make an easier transition.

The Akron-based technology developer has
created a hybrid power generating system
known as Thermafficient. The technology
captures wasted heat and turns it into electricity or other usable energies — cooling,
shaft work and stored energy — while simultaneously using environmentally friendly
resources. In short, it extends fuel resources.
Users expect an increase in power generating efficiency between 20 and 35 percent.

Michael Gurin, chief technology officer and
CEO of reXorce, founded the company in
2007 as a way to impact how people and companies source, produce, distribute and consume thermal energy. Talk about the right idea
at the right time. Governments are pushing
finding renewable energy streams, and companies are looking to cut energy costs, both of
which have unleashed an open market.

One focus for reXorce’s executive team is
the industrial sector, which increasingly has
sought waste heat recovery solutions to offset rising energy costs and manufacturing
competition. U.S. industrial companies use
one-third of the country’s total energy consumption. Plus, they face large energy losses
compounded by scale of production, equipment inefficiency, and mechanical and thermal limitations.

Others believe in the marketing plan and
the technology, too. ReXorce has raised more
than $10 million in venture capital from
investors like Cleveland-based JumpStart Inc.
and through government grants. ReXorce also developed local and regional partners,
companies with global reach and vision.
Among the list is the University of Akron,
Case Western Reserve University and
European-based BASF, a chemical company.

ReXorce will work with the organizations
as it continues to roll out projects in the
pipeline and meet market needs.

After all, as reXorce tells it: Globally, when
10 trillion watts of energy are produced, an
additional 15 trillion watts of energy are lost
through heat.

HOW TO REACH: reXorce Thermionics Inc., (234) 542-4392