Scott and Steven Balogh helped turn around Mar-Bal Inc.

Scott Balogh had built a life for his family in Columbus and there was a moment of hesitation when, in 1993, his father asked him to move back to Cleveland and help revive Mar-Bal Inc.
But that brief doubt was quickly replaced with confidence and excitement over the challenge of helping his father get the family business back on solid footing. A year later, Scott’s brother, Steven, moved back from New York City, and the first steps had been taken to restore the company — a compounder and molder of thermosetting materials — to prosperity.
The problems began to crop up in the late 1980s and early 1990s. As Mar-Bal added customers and products to its roster, the company began to experience management and profitability problems. Scott arrived in 1992 as a sales manager and began to develop a strong working relationship with the engineering staff. He quickly advanced in the organization and revamped the compounding department and process.
Teamed with his brother, Steven, Mar-Bal was soon thriving again and in a position to open a new manufacturing facility in Dublin, Va.
Today, with Scott serving as president and CEO and Steven as vice president, the company is focusing on innovation to continue growing the business. The company came up with a new process called Thermital that coats parts with metal vapors, giving the appearance of genuine metal. The innovation has lowered costs for customers and allowed Mar-Bal to gain an advantage over its competitors, specifically metal handle manufacturers.
Both Scott and Steven are focused on finding more ways to add value for customers and give them more of what they are looking for and what they need to help their businesses. It helps customers, but it also helps the company stay competitive in the industry.
How to reach: Mar-Bal Inc., (440) 543-7526 or