Strong signal

Jake Sigal, founder and CEO, Livio Radio

In 2008, Jake Sigal started Livio Radio out of his guest bedroom.
There is still a comfortable feel to the business today, from the foosball table in the front of the office to the treadmill desk space and casual dress code. But the laid-back atmosphere belies at intense determination on the part of Sigal and his staff to make Livio Radio a long-term success. Everyone works well over 50 hours a week, doing whatever it takes to make sure customers stay happy.
The initial concept behind Livio Radio (formerly Myine Electronics) was to make electronics for his baby boomer parents with simple functionality and access to their favorite music. Sigal changed the name to Livio Radio in 2010 as the business shifted to focus on products that provide more music with less work, which has become Livio Radio’s brand promise. Sigal then expanded his company’s focus from products targeted at the baby boomer generation to products that appeal to a wide range of ages, from grandparents to grandkids.
Today, Livio Radio’s brand promise of “more music, less work” still rings true, for not only its products but also in how the staff operates in developing, promoting and selling the devices by remaining focused on end users. Sigal’s next line of products follows the continued growth of Internet radio into the car. Current products range from an iPhone app to a Bluetooth car kit for Livio’s newest partner, Grooveshark. No matter what comes out of Livio’s doors next, the plan is to stick to the brand promise of more music and less work for its users.
Sigal is an active participant in the engineering, electronics and entrepreneurship communities when he’s not working. And in addition to his roles on local advisory boards, he works with other local entrepreneurs to discuss industry issues and solutions.
How to reach: Livio Radio, (248) 591-0333 or