Survey results

“When a client fails to act upon advice that is provided, that usually is an example of guidance either poorly understood, or poorly given. My approach … is to solicit from the client what alternative strategy they prefer to accomplish their objective, and to explain to me why that approach is better than the one I have suggested.

“Often the alternative is better — at least in the view of the client. … All too often, the problem with providing advice is not that the adviser’s recommendation is supplanted by an alternative course of action but that no action is taken.

“Execution of advice is more important than being satisfied that the advice provided is perfect.

— Ronald G. Fountain, managing partner, Capital Acceleration Partner LLC


“[I tell clients] ‘When in doubt, call me.’ By creating an open, trusting relationship with clients and billing them fairly and appropriately when they do call, I am more often involved early, before problems get out of hand and require extensive legal work.

Businesses should ask that their trusted legal team educate themselves about the client and its business on the law firm’s nickel, not the client’s nickel. Good law firms offer this as a matter of course.

“The better I know my clients and their businesses, the better advice I can give and the better the relationship I have with my client.

— Dave Nash, attorney, McMahon DeGulis LLP