The List

Atlanta Diversity Management

68 Mitchell St. S.W.

Atlanta, GA 30303

(404) 330-6416

■ Supports and promotes diversity

■ Provides an Equal Business Opportunity Program (EBO)

American Institute for Managing Diversity Inc.

1200 West Peachtree St., N.W., Suite 3

Atlanta, GA 30309

(404) 575-2131

■ Provides educational programs on diversity

■ Nonprofit organization

Atlanta Legal Diversity Consortium

c/o Allegra J. Lawrence-Hardy

Sutherland LLP

999 Peachtree St. N.E.

Atlanta, GA 30309

(404) 853-8497

■ Provides diversity counseling and advice to employers

■ Develops programs and policies to resolve employer issues

F&H Solutions Group

1275 Peachtree St. N.E., Suite 600

Atlanta, GA

(404) 888-3800

■ Strategic diversity planning

■ Counseling for businesses

Georgia Institute of Technology

Office of Diversity Programs

Division of Student Affairs

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA 30332

(404) 894-2561

■ Provides mentoring on diversity

■ Diversity training

Karuna Counseling

1945 Mason Mill Road, Suite 100

Decatur, GA 30333

(404) 321-4307

■ Consultation for businesses

■ Diversity and other employee-related issues

Lambert Greene & Associates

5415 Skyview Drive

Atlanta, GA 30331

(404) 873-0047

■ Counsels in diversity and teamwork

■ Personality management and conflict resolution

Cambridge Diversity Consulting

8 Prescott St.

Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 999-4325

■ Cultural understanding training

■ Sensitivity training workshops

The Center for Diversity Education

1 University Heights, CPO 1605

Asheville, NC 28804

(828) 232-5024

■ Business training programs

■ Training workshops

PRISM International Inc.

First Sanford Tower

312 West First St., Suite 301

Sanford, FL 32771

(888) 997-7476

■ Consulting and training services

■ Maximizes wealth of skills in the work force