What do you want to prioritize and influence this year?  

This is an important question to consider as 2019 begins.
Now think about how committed you need to be to make these priorities a reality. How can you create the momentum you need to reach the impact you desire? Do you have space in your life to align with what is needed for this level of impact? Can you stop aligning to activities and commitments that will hinder these prioritizes?
Your areas of impact likely range from professional to personal, but the barriers are often similar. I meet many people who are working too long on the preparation to actively pursue their next level of impact, which could be a board seat, a new position, a promotion or _______ (you fill in the blank.) Even more than preparation, many people are reluctant to move in their desired direction as fear often immobilizes their immediate actions and long-term levels of impact.
Last year, I read, “You Are a Badass, How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life,” by New York Times best-selling author Jen Sincero. One of my favorite concepts that Sincero shares in this book, which helped overcome the controlling nature of my fears, is this: “Let’s just see what I can do.”  
This concept of “seeing” allows me to explore what is possible without attaching fear, failure or embarrassment to the outcome. This small mind shift provides me autonomy from potential failures and minimizes my need to align specific outcomes or expectations which would historically deter my actions. As you look at what is ahead, you can create your next level of impact by letting go of what is no longer serving you. 
Here are some steps to help you align to the impact you want to create this year:

  •   Define your desired level of influence or impact (I²).
  •   Assess your gaps — experience, network, alignment, etc.
  •   Add activities to your week that will increase your alignment with your I² goals.
  •   Recognize your fears and any internal chatter that may be hindering your progress.
  •   Ask for help — sponsors, mentors and friends.
  •   Stretch before you are ready — don’t wait until you have it all figured out.

You may move faster than you expect toward your areas of impact. You may unveil things you need to clean up and clear up before you can create the momentum you desire. Do the internal work necessary, as you encounter it. 
Even if you feel excited about what is possible, you may still have a voice from within telling you that you are not ready, or it is not possible. I have learned that I can restrict myself with my internal conversations and how I perceive what is happening around me. If you struggle with this too, you should check out the Mindfulness Programs at UH’s Connor Integrative Health Network.

Don’t let another year go by, without “seeing” where you can increase your impact this year. Let this be a mile marker for where your next level of impact begins.

JJ DiGeronimo is president at Tech Savvy Women