Words of wisdom

Bruce Violette relies on the
tried and true to lead his
business, touting ideas like, “Do what you say you’re
going to do,” and, “If you don’t
take care of your customers,
someone else will.” Sticking
with those old ideas has helped
Violette grow Business
Partner, a one-stop marketing firm that merged with
FranchisESource Brands
International in 2007 and posted 2007 revenue of $9.4 million.

“It’s making sure the job is
the No. 1 priority of all personnel and reinforcing this constantly,” says Violette, who
founded Business Partner and
served as its president before
moving into a consultant role
while retaining part ownership.
“It’s being visible and focusing
on your customer base.”

Smart Business spoke with
Violette about how to live your
values and create a team to
spread them.

Q. How do you make sure
you’re doing what you say
you’re going to do?

Communication is important
and making yourself visible. I
spend as much time as possible interacting with employees
and showing a concern for
them and our customers. That
whole interaction and communication process is important.

Q. How do you create that
interaction and ensure open

The biggest thing is coming
across and maintaining a team
atmosphere, where you’re not
some figurehead sitting in an
ivory office somewhere that is
inaccessible. Just getting in there and hearing about them
and the customers and portraying a team atmosphere.

Interact with them and create
that team. It’s the whole
approach that 10 heads are better than one. Too many times,
executives almost are like political leaders; they kind of lose
touch with what’s going on. Get
down on a production floor,
interact with your employees,
personally witness some of the
things that are going on and be

Talk to customers and
employees. You have to get out
there and be involved.