Attaining a work/life balance takes conscious efforts

I realize as a CEO, business owner and a parent, there is no such thing as work/life balance, but there is a way to manage your life so these elements can coexist together. I’m always going to feel guilty — guilty if I’m not spending enough time with my child or guilty I’m not doing enough to help my company grow.
Living with the guilt and accepting it as part of life while consciously focusing on how to have balance in my life has allowed me to be much happier overall.
Here are a few tips to try the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by your career:
Plan ahead
I take a good, long look at my calendar at the beginning of every month and pencil in activities I want to do or accomplish for each one.
I personally enjoy taking weekend getaways, so I put aside a few weekends for small trips throughout the year. This way, I won’t be gone for too long and can still pack in as much fun as possible over a long weekend with my daughter. In addition, small getaways are easier on the wallet.
I tell my employees and my friends the best way to maximize your worth is to focus on your core competencies and hire for the rest.
In a world with online shopping and people looking to make a few extra dollars, I found the best way to keep my sanity is to hire for things that aren’t critical to my daily life. For example, I have my nanny drive my daughter to school every morning and shuttle her around to her activities.
I do most of my shopping online and have taken advantage of services such as Amazon Prime to schedule regular shipments of necessary household items. Paying a small amount to get these things off your to-do list gives you time and energy to focus on the items that matter.
Make a daily ritual
I like to create daily rituals with my daughter — sacred time we spend together every day, even when life is busy, to focus on quality instead of quantity. Every night from 6:30 to 9 p.m. is “our time” when I focus on her, discuss our days, help with homework or whatever else she needs so that she feels like we connect — and I disconnect from my company.
Be flexible
It can be tough to coordinate schedules but the good news is that things often change at the last minute, and if you’re willing to be flexible and a little bit spontaneous, this can pay off with your kids. Who doesn’t love an impromptu trip to get ice cream after a late game or eating takeout pizza poolside when a meeting gets canceled?

Remember that your company is only as good as you are. If you are stressed and overworked, you are not your best self and that in turn could be hurting your business. There’s a time to work and there’s a time to play — be sure to make time for both.