Going all in

Bobby Harris, president and CEO, BlueGrace Logistics Group

As the old saying goes — nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Four years ago, when his employer went out of business, with a wife and two small children at home, Bobby Harris took a huge risk and opened his own company in the freight and logistics industry. He pulled together all of his personal wealth, including all of the money from his 401(k) and invested it in all in starting BlueGrace Logistics Group, which he established in November 2007.
Harris, the company’s founder, president and CEO, pulled from his 18 years of experience in the transportation industry and designed software that allows his customers to quickly pick the fastest shipping routes as well as leverage their relationship with BlueGrace to get the best freight rates.
Harris strategically targeted smaller to medium-sized companies that did not have the resources to create their own transportation logistics department. It turned out to be a win-win situation for all parties, as Harris’ customers see immediate savings via outsourcing transportation and logistics needs, along with enjoying the benefits of BlueGrace’s negotiated rates with the carriers.
Harris has navigated the company’s expansion from the eight original employees to more than 70. The company is on track to meet its 2011 sales projections with double digit growth expected in 2012. BlueGrace currently has a portfolio of 2,500 customers across the U.S., but Harris believes it’s not even the tip of the iceberg regarding the industry’s potential.
Future growth is expected to include the international market, as well as the development of new service offerings that will be available for existing customers, including freight auditing services and bill payment services.
Through his own cunning strategic decisions along with a positive, winning and empowering culture, Harris has developed BlueGrace from his entrepreneurial dream into the company it is today.
How to reach: BlueGrace Logistics Group, (800) 697-4477 or www.mybluegrace.com